The Fifth Annual ACM SIGecom Winter Meeting
The Fifth SIGecom Winter Meeting will take place Thursday, March 6, 2026, at 11am - 5pm Eastern time.
The SIGecom Winter Meeting brings together researchers from economics and computation and adjacent communities. It takes the form of a workshop focusing on a topic of interest in economics and computation, with the goal of building community and strengthening research connections.
This year's topic is the interplay of market design and generative AI. The meeting will feature a tutorial on generative AI as well as research presentations exploring different perspectives on how economics can contribute to the development of GenAI and how GenAI can contribute to economics.
The event is free of charge, but registration is required for access to the virtual space. Register Here!
Virtual Venue
Enter the virtual venue here! See here for a guide to using Gather.
The workshop will take place on the platform. This platform provides a 2d layout in which participants can navigate an avatar using the arrow keys. When a group of avatars are in close proximity, a video conference is started. Tables and chairs provide private video conferencing space. Talks will take place in a Zoom meeting that can be accessed by entering the seminar room and clicking 'x'. Please note that you will need to register to obtain the login credentials.
The first time that you log in, you will need to authenticate with the Gather system. We recommend logging in early to avoid delays with authentication!
Authentication instructions: once the venue opens, click the link above and log in with the email address that you used to register for the meeting. You will be emailed a six-digit code that you will use to authenticate your email address. Once you've been authenticated, you can enter the venue by following the link above.
For technical assistance, please contact
Lightning Talks
We encourage submissions of recent unpublished results as well as work that has been recently accepted for publication. Each talk will be presented virtually at the Winter Meeting and should be 5-7 minutes long. Submissions should be made no later than February 21, 2025, anywhere on Earth (AoE). Please submit using this link.
Each submission should specify the presenter (including email address and affiliation), title and abstract of the work, and optionally a link to an arxiv, SSRN, or online PDF.
Submissions will be lightly reviewed and are non-archival.
All times listed in US Eastern Time Zone (ET). See here for the detailed schedule and abstracts.
- 11:10am-12pm: Haifeng Xu - Mechanism Design for Online Content Ecosystems
- 12pm-1pm: Jon Kleinberg - Modeling the Underlying Goals in Language Generation
- 1pm-2pm: Lightning Talks
- 2pm-3pm: Break
- 3pm-3:30pm: Manish Raghavan - Competition and Diversity in Generative AI
- 3:30pm-4pm: Yannai A. Gonczarowski - Algorithmic Collusion by Large Language Models
- 4pm-4:30pm: Preston McAfee - Fireside Chat
- 4:30pm-5:30pm: Sanmi Koyejo - TBD
- 5:30pm-6pm: Social Hour
Organizing Committee
Organizers: Renato Paes Leme and James Wright