A Resolution on the Name of the ACM EC Conference (September 2013)
Since 1999, the ACM Special Interest Group on Electronic Commerce (ACM SIGecom) has sponsored the leading scientific conference on advances in theory, systems, and applications of electronic commerce. The conference is succeeding and has seen both its submissions and number of attendees grow from the low one-hundreds to the low two-hundreds, while the SIG itself is financially secure. In recent years there have been a number of discussions about the name of the conference, in regard to whether it suitably reflects the breadth of our scientific community. There is no perfect name for a community such as ours, and this has been reflected in a vigorous debate of the pros and cons of our current and future conference name. The SIG advisory board, consisting of previous EC conference and program chairs and SIG officials, voted in July 2013 by 15 to 10 in favor of a change of name, and strong support was also voiced by conference attendees at the business meeting of the 14th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce.
The ACM SIGecom executive committee announces that from 2014, our flagship conference will be named
The ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC).
It is not our intent to signal a lack of interest in research in electronic commerce, and we continue to welcome papers related to its theory, systems, and applications. Rather, the new name signals our actual breadth, and makes clear that we welcome all papers of the highest quality that are related to the interdisciplinary area between economics and computer science. In adopting this name, we also recognize a continued commitment to involve economists in the organization and scientific activities of the conference.
The effect of this change is that we look forward to the 15th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, which will take place June 8-12, 2014, at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. The General Chair is Moshe Babaioff (Microsoft Research), and the Program Co-Chairs are Vincent Conitzer (Duke University) and David Easley (Cornell University). EC'14 will be co-located with a meeting of the NBER Market Design working group, and with the NSF/CEME Decentralization Conference. The deadline for paper submissions is February 11, 2014.
Sincerely, and on behalf of the SIGecom Executive Committee,
David C. Parkes, SIGecom Chair
Tim Roughgarden, SIGecom Vice-Chair
Yiling Chen, SIGecom Secretary-Treasurer